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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Importance Of Motion Sensor Security

As a business owner, incorporating a motion sensor into your security system is a smart decision. But there is also some mystery surrounding motion sensor security; namely, how exactly do they work? 

If it isn't obvious, motion sensors detect and report motion. The most common type of motion sensor technology used today is PassiveInfra-Red energy, which detect heat given off by people and animals.  The smart detectors look for objects warmer than the normal background temperature, using a special lens to create “beams” of passive energy, and then look for motion. When the sensor detects a “warm” object moving across several beams within a specified time frame that trips the alarm. 

The ideal spot for a motion sensor is in a high-traffic area that an intruder would cross in your business; near cash registers, expensive electronics, jewelry, etc. The sensors work better when people move across the beams, as the beams project out and down, to pick up anyone trying to avoid detection by crawling.

Should someone breach a door in your business that doesn't trip an alarm, a motion sensor is a valuable second wave of security. It is nearly impossible to get past one undetected. To learn more about motion sensor security, visit today.

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